
BindCurve uses the following symbols:

Symbol Symbol in code Meaning
\([R]_T\) RT Total concentration of receptor.
\([R]\) R Concentration of free receptor.
\([L^*]_T\) LsT Total concentration of labelled ligand.
\([L^*]\) Ls Concentration of free labelled ligand.
\([L]_T\) LT Total concentration of unlabelled ligand.
\([L]\) L Concentration of free unlabelled ligand.
\([RL^*]\) RLs Concentration of (receptor-labelled ligand) complex.
\([RL]\) RL Concentration of (receptor-unlabelled ligand) complex.
\([RLL^*]\) RLLs Concentration of (receptor-unlabelled ligand-labelled ligand) complex.
\(K_d^*\) Kds Dissociation constant of labelled ligand.
\(K_d\) Kd Dissociation constant of unlabelled ligand.
\(K_{d3}\) Kd3 The third dissociation constant in four-state models.
\(N^*\) Ns Nonspecific binding parameter for the labeled ligand.
\(N\) N Nonspecific binding parameter for the unlabeled ligand.