Fitting Kd from exact models

In this tutorial, we will use the exact models implemented in bindcurve to obtain \(K_d\) from direct and competitive binding experimental data. We will simulate a workflow that could conveniently be used for example in fluorescence-based or fluorescence polarization-based assays, or any other assays for which these models are suitable. We will first determine the \(K^*_d\) (Kds, the dissociation constant of the labeled ligand) by fitting data from direct binding experiment (saturation experiment) and then we will determine \(K_d\) (Kd, the dissociation constant of the unlabeled ligand) for a series of inhibitors by fitting data from competitive binding experiments.


First, let’s import everything we will need for this workflow:

import bindcurve as bc
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

The following settings adjust the decimals and display width for pandas. This is just for display purposes, all numbers will still be stored with many decimal places.

pd.set_option("display.precision", 3)
pd.set_option('display.width', 200)

Direct binding

To begin, let’s first load the data and print the preprocessed DataFrame. We will use data from /tutorials/examples/direct.csv.

input_data_direct = bc.load_csv("examples/direct.csv")
Loading data from examples/direct.csv
   compound          c  log c  n_reps  rep1  rep2  rep3  rep4  median     SD    SEM
0     probe  3.000e+00  0.477       4   132   130   130   136   131.0  2.828  1.414
1     probe  1.200e+00  0.079       4   129   130   131   133   130.5  1.708  0.854
2     probe  4.800e-01 -0.319       4   129   130   126   130   129.5  1.893  0.946
3     probe  1.920e-01 -0.717       4   120   126   121   121   121.0  2.708  1.354
4     probe  7.680e-02 -1.115       4   106   103   106   107   106.0  1.732  0.866
5     probe  3.072e-02 -1.513       4    83    85    89    81    84.0  3.416  1.708
6     probe  1.229e-02 -1.911       4    59    64    61    62    61.5  2.082  1.041
7     probe  4.915e-03 -2.308       4    36    38    38    39    38.0  1.258  0.629
8     probe  1.966e-03 -2.706       4    31    33    34    36    33.5  2.082  1.041
9     probe  7.864e-04 -3.104       4    26    28    32    33    30.0  3.304  1.652
10    probe  3.146e-04 -3.502       4    25    32    30    28    29.0  2.986  1.493

For the sake of this tutorial, we will fit two models for direct binding. The dir_simple model is a simplified model which assumes no receptor depletion, and dir_specific is an exact quadratic model for direct binding. We will fit these models using the fit_Kd_direct function and print the DataFrame with results. As you can see, both models provide quite similar results and the fitted values of Kds are very close.

LsT = 0.015       # Define total concentration of the labeled ligand

# Fit the simplified model
results_direct_simple = bc.fit_Kd_direct(input_data_direct, model="dir_simple", LsT=None)

# Fit the quadratic model
results_direct = bc.fit_Kd_direct(input_data_direct, model="dir_specific", LsT=LsT)
Fitting dir_simple ...
  compound  n_points    Kds   loCL   upCL     SE       model    ymin    ymax    Chi^2    R^2
0    probe        44  0.027  0.024  0.029  0.001  dir_simple  25.829  133.82  337.396  0.996
Fitting dir_specific ...
  compound  n_points    Kds   loCL   upCL     SE         model    ymin     ymax    LsT    Chi^2    R^2
0    probe        44  0.019  0.017  0.022  0.001  dir_specific  27.382  132.289  0.015  336.049  0.996

We will use the result from the dir_specific model, as this is the more accurate model of the two. We can now grab the value of Kds obtained from the dir_specific model and store it in a variable which we will call Kds_probe.

Kds_probe = results_direct[results_direct['compound'] == 'probe']['Kds'].values[0]
print("Kd of the probe is:", Kds_probe)
Kd of the probe is: 0.019393831705308173

We will also compare the fitted curves for both models graphically by plotting them next to each other. In this case, the two curves are quite closely aligned.

# Initiate the plot
plt.figure(figsize=(5, 4))

# PLot the dir_simple model
bc.plot(input_data_direct, results_direct_simple, single_label="dir_simple", show_medians=False, show_errorbars=False, single_color="dodgerblue")

# PLot the dir_specific model
bc.plot(input_data_direct, results_direct, single_label="dir_specific", show_medians=False, show_errorbars=False, single_color="tomato")

plt.title("Direct binding")
plt.xlabel(r"[Receptor] $\mu$M")

We can also plot just one of the models and customize the plot a little bit. For example, let’s plot a marker for the Kds value using the plot_value function, and also dashed traces using the plot_traces function. For clarity, we will also hide the median values by show_medians=False

# Initiate the plot
plt.figure(figsize=(5, 4))

# Plot the actual curve
bc.plot(input_data_direct, results_direct, single_label="dir_specific", single_color="tomato", show_medians=False)

# Plot the annotated marker
bc.plot_value(results_direct, value="Kds", color="black", marker="o", label="$K_d$", post_text=r" $\mu$M", decimals=3, xoffset=0.04)

# Plot the traces
bc.plot_traces(results_direct, value="Kds", kind="partial")

plt.title("Direct binding")
plt.xlabel(r"[Receptor] $\mu$M")
Plotting marker for x value 0.019393831705308173
Plotting trace for x value 0.019393831705308173

Competitive binding

Once we have obtained the value of Kds (dissociation constant of the labeled ligand) from direct binding experiment, we can proceed to fit the competitive binding data, where the labeled ligand was displaced by the unlabeled ligand. First, let’s load our data from competitive experiments into out input DataFrame. You can find the data at /tutorials/examples/competitive.csv. To save space, this time we will not print the whole DataFrame, but just the beginning, we can use the head() method in pandas.

input_data_competition = bc.load_csv("examples/competitive.csv")
Loading data from examples/competitive.csv
  compound       c  log c  n_reps  r1  r2  r3  r4  r5  r6  median     SD    SEM
0    comp1  2000.0  3.301       6  28  26  29  27  27  25    27.0  1.414  0.577
1    comp1  1000.0  3.000       6  30  28  30  28  32  32    30.0  1.789  0.730
2    comp1   250.0  2.398       6  37  40  37  41  42  38    39.0  2.137  0.872
3    comp1    60.0  1.778       6  60  58  54  58  53  57    57.5  2.658  1.085
4    comp1    15.0  1.176       6  82  84  78  85  84  85    84.0  2.683  1.095

Let’s also print what compounds do we have in our data for competitive binding.

compounds = input_data_competition["compound"].unique()
print("Detected compounds:", compounds)
print("No of compounds:", len(compounds))
Detected compounds: ['comp1' 'comp2' 'comp3' 'comp4' 'comp5' 'comp6']
No of compounds: 6

Next, we can proceed to define the known experimental constants RT, LsT and Kds. For Kds, we will use the value stored in the Kds_probe variable which we obtained earlier from fitting the direct binding model. Then we will use the fit_Kd_competition function to fit the comp_3st_specific model, and print the results.

RT = 0.05           # Total concentration of the receptor
LsT = 0.005         # Total concentration of the labeled ligand
Kds = Kds_probe     # Dissociation constant of the labeled ligand

results_competition = bc.fit_Kd_competition(input_data_competition, model="comp_3st_specific", RT=RT, LsT=LsT, Kds=Kds)
Fitting comp_3st_specific ...
  compound  n_points      Kd   loCL    upCL     SE              model    ymin     ymax    RT    LsT    Kds     Chi^2    R^2
0    comp1        54  11.437  9.839  13.301  0.822  comp_3st_specific  26.693  134.487  0.05  0.005  0.019   537.472  0.990
1    comp2        54   2.851  2.417   3.364  0.234  comp_3st_specific  26.828  132.026  0.05  0.005  0.019   705.520  0.986
2    comp3        54   0.610  0.502   0.740  0.057  comp_3st_specific  23.724  136.476  0.05  0.005  0.019   908.705  0.982
3    comp4        54   1.042  0.861   1.260  0.099  comp_3st_specific  24.220  138.923  0.05  0.005  0.019  1024.489  0.982
4    comp5        54   9.126  7.510  11.082  0.891  comp_3st_specific  25.638  132.209  0.05  0.005  0.019   929.856  0.982
5    comp6        54   2.510  2.143   2.942  0.198  comp_3st_specific  23.731  132.746  0.05  0.005  0.019   664.941  0.988

We can also get the results as formatted report using the report function. The last line of code will copy this report to your clipboard, so that you can paste it anywhere you want.

results_competition_report =, decimals=1)
results_competition_report.to_clipboard(excel=True, sep=",")
  compound     Mean (95% CI)   Mean ± SE
0    comp1  11.4 (9.8, 13.3)  11.4 ± 0.8
1    comp2    2.9 (2.4, 3.4)   2.9 ± 0.2
2    comp3    0.6 (0.5, 0.7)   0.6 ± 0.1
3    comp4    1.0 (0.9, 1.3)   1.0 ± 0.1
4    comp5   9.1 (7.5, 11.1)   9.1 ± 0.9
5    comp6    2.5 (2.1, 2.9)   2.5 ± 0.2

Finally, we can plot the results. Let’s just use default settings for the plot function this time and plot all the compounds.

# Initiate the plot
plt.figure(figsize=(5, 4))

# Plot the actual curve
bc.plot(input_data_competition, results_competition)

# Provide other matplotlib settings
plt.title("Competitive binding")
plt.xlabel(r"[Ligand] $\mu$M")

# Show the plot

If you want to plot just a selection of compounds, you can use the compound_sel argument. The following example will plot only the comp1 compound.

plt.figure(figsize=(5, 4))

bc.plot(input_data_competition, results_competition, compound_sel=["comp1"], single_color="dodgerblue")

plt.title("Plotting selection")
plt.xlabel(r"[Ligand] $\mu$M")

You can also plot the compounds on a grid using the plot_grid function. In this example, we will customize the grid by hiding the medians and errorbars, showing all the data points, and setting hspace and wspace arguments to 0 so that there is no space between the subplots. This formatting can be used to produce neat, space-saving figure for your document.

             x_label=r"[Ligand] $\mu$M",